Our Focus: Oilfield Worker Support
You are cordially invited to the 2025
Calgary Spring Breakfast Event
April 3, 2025
Location: The Calgary Petroleum Club
319 5 Ave SW, Calgary, AB T2P 0L5
Doors open at 6:30 am
Meeting from 7:00 am - 8:00 am
Our focus areas is to bring the message of the Gospel to Oilfield Workers that are working away from home.
While most camps have taken great measures to make the camp experience as positive as possible, some of the issues oilfield workers face are unavoidable, and isolation is one of the main issues oilfield workers have to deal with.
Isolation from:
family, spouses and children
their social network, their friends and work colleagues
their home community, recreational activities and local events for family and personal development
Other issues are:
Difficulty integrating into the family routine when a work shift is over
Troubled finances
Stress caused by unemployment as projects and jobs start and end
Harsh weather conditions at the worksite
Fatigue caused by long work hours
Travel fatigue, due to time spent traveling to the worksite
Exposure to substance abuse and pornography
Poor dietary choices that may lead to health issues
In some ways, it’s similar to being in jail, only with better facilities, great food - and the pay is amazing!
There is a solution!
The Christian Oilfield Fellowship puts Bibles, the Gospel of Jesus Christ, into camps and into the hands of those experiencing camp life. We pray that these Bibles will reach everyone that needs to know Jesus as their personal Savior.

Our Guest Speaker:
Tim Goodwin
Community Relations Coordinator
Hope Mission Calgary

Tim’s Message:
Called, Equipped, Sent
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” - Jeremiah 29:11
About Tim:
Tim Goodwin is a native Calgarian who spent 32 years supplying cabling and technology to the oilfield before recognizing God’s call on his life.
At age 54, Tim and his family experienced a Nehemiah 2:18 moment as God set them on a course of rebuilding. The Lord firmly changed Tim’s career path and sent him back to school.
Upon completing his Master of Christian Studies at Canadian Baptist Theological in Cochrane, the Lord led Tim to Hope Mission where he serves in Community Relations.
Tim is passionate about the growth and edification of kids and youth, particularly those in challenging circumstances.
Finding God on Route 316 is a devotional for workers in the Oilfield.
Thanks to your support, we can place this resource in the hands of workers in the oilpatch. Get your copy at the next breakfast!
Do you want to distribute Bibles? We are always looking for "boots on the ground" to distribute bibles.
We are looking for people to place Bibles in common areas and lobbies of camps, or to place in the reception area of their business. Perhaps you want to have few Bibles on hand to distribute. If would like to help out, please contact us and we'll set you up.
Go to our contact page to sign up.
Thank you so much for your help.
Support our Mission - buy a Bible today!
To share Christ with fellow oilfield workers.
We do this through:
Bible distribution
Fellowship gatherings
Support kingdom growth in oilfield community and beyond